The Events Calendar includes not just NATHPO events but also trainings, exhibits, shows, conferences, and consultations put on by our community partners and are listed solely to provide information and are not endorsed by NATHPO.
Please feel free to submit an event using the (+); as soon as it is approved, it will appear on the calendar.
25th Annual NATHPO Conference & Sacred Places Summit
Monday, September 8, 2025 12:00 AM - Friday, September 12, 2025 12:00 AM (EDT)
Upholding Tribal Sovereignty: Protecting Native Places in a Shifting Landscape
We are excited to announce NATHPO's 25th Annual Conference & Sacred Places Summit happening September 8-12 at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno, NV.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony for graciously agreeing to host us!!!
Registration fees include:
- Opening Night Reception
- All Conference Sessions
- Specified Meals
- Wednesday Culture Night
- Thursday Site Visit
***Monday's Pre-conference Site Visit will require an additional fee.***
Please register for all of the events you would like to attend. These options will be displayed once you select a registration level.
NATHPO Members must login in using a registered email address to receive member rates.
Non-members need only provide a Name and Valid Email for initial registration.
**Registration Invoices that remain unpaid past August 1st 2025 will be voided and have their respective conference registrations cancelled**
*It is possible to use a credit card with a different name from the registrant without issue; however, if you need the receipt to reflect the cc holder's name, please follow these instructions.
Due to limited availability, this year's conference registrations will be capped at 250. Secure your 25th Conference Registrations and lodging today!
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino
2500 E 2nd St, Reno, NV 89595
(800) 501-2651
Grand Sierra Resort conference rates in the NATHPO room block will be available to all registrants on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Room Rates are $138 a night
- King and Queen Rooms Available
NATHPO 25th Conference Room Block Portal
- Daily: 4:30am–12:15am (every 30 minutes)
- Shuttle leaves GSR at the top (:00) and bottom (:30) of the hour
- Shuttle leaves Reno-Tahoe airport at quarter after (:15) and quarter ’til (:45) the hour
Airport Info: Reno-Tahoe International Airport
2500 E 2nd St, Reno, NV 89595
(800) 501-2651
Thank You to All of the Sponsors Who Are Helping to Make This Year's Conference Possible!
September 8-12, 2025
White House Council on Native American Affairs (WHCNAA): White House Council on Native American Affairs (
Consultations and Listening Sessions Schedule (
Department of the Interior - Indian Affairs: Upcoming Tribal Consultations | U.S. Department of the Interior (
Pow Wow Calendar: Upcoming Native American Pow Wows